
Troy ”Seven” Timberlake is a passionate Commercial & Portrait Photographer based on the East Coast.
Troy’s interest in photography began shortly after he graduated from high school. Being the son of a photography enthusiast, Troy grew up gazing upon his father’s pictures until the day he finally understood what photography was truly about to his dad, freezing a perfect moment in time and trying to capture the energy, emotion or memory in such a way that others can feel it when viewing the image even decades later.
After being a serious hobbyist for 7 years, in January of 1997, Troy began transitioning from working in the ‘white collar’ industry to ‘black collar’ more artistic fields. From being an Assistant to Lead Photographer and a Trainer he soaked up as much knowledge and inspiration as he could along the way. In those years he decided that working with and capturing people was what he enjoyed most. For his portraiture work he prides himself on getting everyone an image that they will love because it is so important to him for people to feel good about themselves. To those that say “I don’t take good pictures!” all Troy hears is a personal challenge and usually will reply with “Do you say the same thing when you get a haircut or could it be that your stylist didn’t get you what you needed? This is no different, let me show you how I see you!”
Troy succeeds in providing a fun, creative environment for magic to happen in. Originally starting out with film cameras he does still like to pre-visualize concepts and imagery so it is not uncommon to see him stop, close his eyes for a minute, take a test shot and then see a little smile appear on his face like a cat that just ate a canary. That’s the exact moment that you realize you and your project are in good hands. From large projects and multifaceted campaigns that require creative teams to very small imagery needs that only require him he has a way of making you feel like it’s the most important project in the world. First published in 1993 and many times since the only factor Troy bases his skill-set on is his most recent shoot because he feels “You are only as good as your last shoot.”
A Zen poet once said,
"A person who is a master in the art of living makes little distinction between their work and their play, their labor and their leisure, their mind and their body, their education and their recreation, their love and their religion. They Hardly know which is which and simply pursue their vision of excellence and grace, whatever they do, leaving others to decide whether they are working or playing. To them, they are always doing both."
Ex Voto (latin) def. In fulfillment of a vow.
Soft in Manner. Strong in Deed.
“That’s the exact moment that you realize YOU and YOUR project are in GOOD hands.”