“F*ck Around & Find Out!” The Artist Version

My new helmet arrived and this grid from Home Depot had been sitting in the corner for months. FA&FO!

By this point we have all probably heard or read this term somewhere…. or some of us have even used it I’m sure. It’s a bit more “now” term than what some people may have grown up with like “Fuck with the Bull and get the horns” for example. The two terms are very similar and if you haven’t figured it out yet… yes “fuck” is one of my all time favorite words and is second only to “compassion”. Having grown up in a fairly proper home I’m sure my mother is waving a finger and saying a prayer for me right about now BUT my dad…. I’m sure he’s probably consoling her with a little smirk on his face. His version was “dog bite it!” or “dag nabbit!” (which I thought was German when I was little). Anyways let’s get back on topic shall we?

Model showed up with a plastic Bebe garment bag. Bebe commented on the IG post. FA&FO

As I was saying most of the time I’ve heard the term “fuck around and find out” it was associated with a potential negative result. Like a beating is what’s coming next after that ‘catch phrase’ is used by someone that is essentially putting out a dare. Our use for it today is going to be completely different and if you’re the type of artist I hope you are then you already beat yourself up enough without any outside assistance. So now let’s go down memory lane a bit…. back to when you were a young budding hobbyist and you were so enamored with this new passion you found for ______________ (insert passion here) that you just wanted to do it all the time. You know what you were doing back then? You were playing my friends. Experimenting. Exploring. You were… wait for it….. Fucking around and finding out! Wait… what?! Yep I said it and you know it’s true. We used to just play to learn and develop as artists. Not for money or prestige but for simply love and a small hope that we could make something of it. Here’s another fact for you. YOU will never “master” anything but you should always strive to and one of the best ways to cement what you’ve learned so far is to try and teach someone else. If you’re intermediate then try teaching a beginner and if you’re a pro then try helping someone that is advanced. Not only will it help them it will also help you and possibly spark something new in you. You get to take what you’ve learned and let it rub off on people that are fucking around to find out…. and maybe just maybe their fucking around rubs off on you some too. Go have fun! Put yourself in new situations and challenges. Look for local events, friendships and groups that you can be part of because if your not having any fun why the Hell are you doing it? You’re not a plumber or garbage man… there is no fixed science or method to your style as an artist. It’s what you decide it is at any given moment and if you stop playing (developing) then you are doing yourself a great disservice.

Amazing what a can of hairspray can do to a light! FA&FO

Now get out there. Fuck around. Find out what happens when you tweak that light or diffuse it with that material you have bunched up in the corner. This challenge is your’s…. now go reignite your passion!


#FA&FO #Fujifilm #Photography #Instagood #Torc #IPlayWithLight

Can we talk about the giant fucking elephant in this blog?! Why are you still here?! Get out, Go fuck around. Go find out….now!


The Goal is “No Regrets”


How to take a good shoot and make it GREAT.